Mimbres whiteware in a cluster at Feature 9, Site LA 14820, the Huntington Pueblo Site, on WSMR, NM
More than half of HSR's annual contract work is in the form of Class III intensive surveys conducted for clients, both government and private, to meet the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Intensive archaeological survey projects range in size from the area required for placing well drill pads to much larger projects with varied scopes of work. Primary Federal contracts have been awarded by the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Park Service, and multiple military installations. Additionally, HSR holds a variety of On Call contracts with the New Mexico Department of Transportation and state agencies.
Examples of the variety of surveys include:
- A series of 12 surveys conducted in 1995-1996 in support of the development of the Commercial Southwest Regional Spaceport located just west of the White Sands Missile Range. The surveys covered an area of 4,094 acres. The effort documented 125 new archaeological sites and 1,927 isolated manifestations.
- Surveys were conducted in 1998 for Chino Mines Company in support of the Santa Rita Mine expansion baseline study and proposed BLM land exchange near Bayard and Hurley. The survey covered 1,006 acres of public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District. A total of 13 sites were documented and evaluated and the locations of 39 isolated occurrences were recorded.
- Between September 2000 and May 2001, HSR conducted an intensive cultural resources survey along portions of the eastern, the northwestern corner, and the western boundaries of White Sands Missile Range (WSMR). The work was conducted in seven phases with a preliminary report produced for each phase that supported the environmental surveys conducted by BAE SYSTEMS Analytical Solutions, Inc. (formerly MEVATEC Corporation). The purpose of the archaeological survey was to identify cultural resources for the construction of a proposed fence line demarcating portions of the WSMR boundary that did not have an existing or adequate fence. A total of 82.3 miles on WSMR was surveyed. In addition, survey was conducted in 25-ft rights-of-way on 48.8 miles of Bureau of Land Management property, 16.9 miles of State land, 8.4 miles of private land. Forty-two previously unrecorded sites were documented and two previously recorded sites were revisited. Ninety isolated occurrences were recorded during the survey. Archaeological monitoring was conducted for thirty-two of the sites during the installation of the new fence by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering
- In 2003 an archaeological survey of four areas on White Sands Missile Range was conducted encompassing some 700 acres and included the recordation of the Tinaja Sheep Camp, the Huntington Pueblo Site and Grandview Pueblo Site. Site locations as well as artifacts and features of archaeological sites were mapped using GPS-derived locational data entered into an ArcView GIS format; lithic, ceramic, and historic artifacts were analyzed; and, the final report not only provided complete descriptive data but also interpreted the significance of the archaeological sites in a regional perspective.
• Evaluation and National Register Nomination • Archaeological Testing • Monitoring • Data Recovery
• Office and Field Support • Special Synthetic Projects • Cultural Resource Documentation, Repair or Preservation • Oral History