Because HSR is permanently eligible to participate in the Federal Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Mobility Program, HSR has provided federal agencies office and field support through the loan of qualified HSR personnel. In 1991 a HSR archaeologist assisted the BLM, Las Cruces District in its undertaking to create a base of information for resource management concerning the historic mining town of Lake Valley, New Mexico. The HSR archaeologist was charged with conducting an archaeological survey to determine the site boundary, to map the site, to locate mine claims, and to prepare a summary report of findings to be included in the final Lake Valley Recordation Project report. Other archaeologists assisted in a 1997 BLM undertaking to inventory and document historic and archaeological resources on the Otero Mesa portion of McGregor Range. The project involved archival research, oral historic collection, archaeological survey and resource evaluation. Additional office support was provided in 1999 to the BLM, Las Cruces District in its compliance effort to assure that grazing permits and leases comply with NEPA and land use planning provisions of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act.
The HSR archaeologist conducted Class I inventories of the Las Cruces Field Office and New Mexico ARMS databases and prepared Environmental Assessment sections for the renewal of 156 grazing leases In another instance, HSR loaned 18 archaeologists to Fort Bliss to provide a wide range of cultural resource management services between 1989 and 1996. The archaeologists served in a variety of roles including Principal Investigator, Project Director, Crew Chief and Crew Member. In a different type of support, HSR has provided White Sands Missile Range curation support through a series of cultural resource records management task orders between 1997 and 2004. HSR organized and cataloged records relating to the cultural resources of the Range into the WSMR Cultural Resource Records database. Specific areas include records pertaining to the curation of artifacts, handling of site folders and project folders, maintenance of the catalog and database of the historical files related to WSMR projects, maintenance of the photographic database, and bibliographic tasks. In addition, HSR researches the archives and replaces missing records as feasible. Other tasks require the handling of deliverables from every cultural resource management project to ensure that they conform to WSMR standards and are placed in the appropriate locations, i.e. ES-ES library, various electronic databases.
• Class I Assessments/Literature Reviews • Class II Reconnaissance and Sample Surveys • Class III Intensive Surveys• Evaluation and National Register Nomination • Archaeological Testing • Monitoring • Data Recovery
• Office and Field Support • Special Synthetic Projects • Cultural Resource Documentation, Repair or Preservation • Oral History